Tuesday, August 23, 2016

My self eulogy to be read at my funeral

I wish I could say some of you touched me.
You didn't.
We never actually touch anything; the electrons in our atoms repel things which get too close. We feel the energy of the electrons repelling things but we never actually feel... the things.
Our clothes, a hand, a punch... we feel only energy.

Nothing matters.

The Milky Way galaxy is made up of between 100 billion and 400 billion stars. We estimate there are between 100 billion and 200 billion galaxies.
Using the low end of these numbers, if just one planet in each galaxy... just one... of 100 billion stars contained life, there would be 100 billion planets that harbour life.
We are not alone. We are not the only life in the universe, not the only consciousness, and not the only lives that search for truth.

Nothing matters.

We are, each of us, unique bundles of energy on what Carl Sagan called "a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam." This mote of dust is home to uncounted energy beings, from trees, ants, tardigrades, and water. Even the Earth itself is made of energy.
And there are 100 billion planets of uncounted energy beings.

Nothing matters.

Now, pay attention... here's the tricky bit.
If nothing matters... if we are not unique in simply being alive and we can't even touch each other, then how we treat each other is the most important thing any of us can do.
Why? Because if all we have is free will... if we can possess nothing and life is not unique to Earth... if nothing matters... then our only benchmark for morality is what we do with our free will.

So clasp the energy of the hand of the person beside you. Share your energy. It will feel good for a while but you must understand it is only energy you feel. It doesn't matter.
To truly and honestly matter to anyone or any thing... to touch the only way we can touch... the only way any of you touched me or touched anything...
Be kind.
Be gentle.