Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Hitch -4

Christopher Hitchens died four years ago today.
I learned so much from watching him on you tube and reading his words.
As Dawkins said, "He just knew so much!"
Dawkins and Dennet and Harris and Hirsi Ali and many others inspire me... but it was Hitch who stood up to religious abuses so readily, so confidently, so knowledgeably, and so full of disdain for lies that showed me we were not only allowed to speak against religious power, but that it was our duty.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

(Insert just about anything)

"Shut up! You can't say that!"
"Why not?"
"It offends me!"
"Just you?"
"No! It offends a lot of people!"
"Wait... I shouldn't say anything that offends anyone?"
"Of course not!"
"But what if being censored offends me?"
"That doesn't count."
"Why not?"
"Because free speech is offensive to some people!"
"Yes, but only those people who want to censor all opinions but their own."
"Shut up!"
"See what I mean?"
"Look. We're trying to make the world free of hatred!"
"No. You're trying to force hatred into hiding."
"Same thing."
"No. Hatred in hiding festers. Hatred in the open can be healed."
"Do you know what would happen if anyone could say anything they wanted to say?"
"Shut up!"
"Because I don't agree with you!"
"Ooh, what a giveaway! Would you silence all you disagree with?"
"Fuck you!"
"You don't seem too concerned about saying offensive things; only hearing them."
"You're an asshole!"
"A splendid use of free speech! Too bad you don't allow others that same freedom."
"Are you calling me a hypocrite?"
"I would never offend you by stating the obvious."
"Well then... That's better!"

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

"You can't prove God doesn't exist!"

Look, you fucking wanker...
For 2000 years, people who desparately need proof of God as evidence they will live on after death have been unable to prove God exists. The most motivated people in the history of humanity have found no evidence for 2000 years!
The best they can come up with is, "Someone told me God exists and I believe he exists."
Or, "Flowers are pretty, so God exists."
Or, "We see nature's patterns, so God did it."
Or, "I have an old book..."

I don't have to prove God doesn't exist. I have no burning desire to try to disprove an invisible fiction that does nothing and cannot be sensed in any manner.
There is no valid evidence to refute.
There is nothing to debate.
It is obvious to any reasonable and thinking person that all gods are man made.

You are correct. I can't prove God doesn't exist.
But you are wrong, and probably quite stupid, if you think that proves your god does exist.