"Shut up! You can't say that!"
"Why not?"
"It offends me!"
"Just you?"
"No! It offends a lot of people!"
"Wait... I shouldn't say anything that offends anyone?"
"Of course not!"
"But what if being censored offends me?"
"That doesn't count."
"Why not?"
"Because free speech is offensive to some people!"
"Yes, but only those people who want to censor all opinions but their own."
"Shut up!"
"See what I mean?"
"Look. We're trying to make the world free of hatred!"
"No. You're trying to force hatred into hiding."
"Same thing."
"No. Hatred in hiding festers. Hatred in the open can be healed."
"Do you know what would happen if anyone could say anything they wanted to say?"
"Shut up!"
"Because I don't agree with you!"
"Ooh, what a giveaway! Would you silence all you disagree with?"
"Fuck you!"
"You don't seem too concerned about saying offensive things; only hearing them."
"You're an asshole!"
"A splendid use of free speech! Too bad you don't allow others that same freedom."
"Are you calling me a hypocrite?"
"I would never offend you by stating the obvious."
"Well then... That's better!"
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