Some Christians say, "There are no atheists; only believers who are in denial."
And yet, I am an atheist.
I do not believe that any gods exist.
That makes me an atheist.
Supernatural is a word for something beyond the natural physical laws of the universe.
Gods are supernatural. I don't believe in the supernatural. All things are confined to the laws of nature, even if we don't understand some laws, yet.
That I can't disprove the existence of gods does not make me an agnostic, any more than it makes me a Christian.
I don't have to disprove any assertions made without evidence, no matter how many people believe them.
They're just beliefs.
The burden of proof is on the assertion, not the denial.
If someone drops a ball, it proves gravity exists.
That's evidence.
If someone drop an imaginary ball and claims it doesn't fall, do I have to prove the ball doesn't exist?
No, because there is no evidence for the ball's existence, except for the assertion.
I don't believe in that invisible ball.
If someone claims a god is real, do I have to prove the god doesn't exist?
No, because there is no evidence for the god's existence, except for the assertion.
I don't believe in gods.
Disproving gods is not required for atheism.
The only requirement for atheism is disbelief in gods.
Claims that there are no atheists seems more like people trying to make others' beliefs or non beliefs fit into their own view of the universe.
I've seen that a lot with religious people. I expect it.
I'm always surprised to see it in agnostics.
"You can't be 100% sure, so you can't be an atheist. You're an agnostic."
Agnostics are not 100% sure there are no gods.
I am.
I am an atheist.