"There's no god."
"What? I'm offended!"
"Really? Why are you telling me?"
"So you'll stop saying that!"
"No. Do you think you have the right to censor me so your feelings won't be hurt?"
"Yes! You're offending me!"
"I see... do I have the right to censor you if I find what you say offensive?"
"Um... yes, if it's offensive."
"Good! I find your censorship offensive."
"That's not the same thing!"
"You're right... trying to censor free speech is much worse."
"No! Freedom of religion comes before free speech!"
"There is no freedom of religion without free speech, you idiot!"
Yes, I can write any conversation to show anything in any light I choose and it's not fair because I'm writing both sides and I know how it will end.
But you can also claim offense by anything you don't like and tell me I can't say it. Ever! And then call it fair. This works for any social tweaking you choose if... you ignore the whole free speech thing.
Being offended has become, (to my mind ridiculously), a way to censor people who don't agree with you... about anything.
But this is An Atheist Thing, so...
In the past, the Christian religion stated, "If you blaspheme, (or don't profess belief), we will torture you, maim you, burn you, and crucify you," and then made good on that promise.
This is what I'm not supposed to offend? An organisation of terrorists who repeatedly crushed whole cultures, who deliberately and systematically to this day allow the rape of children and hide the pedophile priests in their untouchable city?
Who could thinks well of themself and be shamed to silence by this religion of ultimate hypocrisy when it claims it is offended?
The shame would be in silence.
I will have my opinion and speak it loudly and often.
I will not be silenced by this ruse, this call for morality from an immoral religion.
I will cede them no power in schools or government.
They've had their day of power. It's called the Dark Ages.
I prefer the light.
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