"Without the word of God, there would be no morality."
Wrong! False! Incorrect!
You couldn't be more wrong!
Morality doesn't come from a book, from a god, or from a religion.
People have morals.
Without humanity, there would be no morality.
Without religion, there would still be morality, as there was before your religion.
Morality is a prehistoric, tribal, survival trait. What was good for the tribe was moral.
Children were the future of the tribe and when they needed protection from the elements and predators, instead of taking their furs to keep yourself warm, you brought them to your furs to keep them warm and the tribe grew stronger.
You taught the children to hunt, to fish, to make clothes, to knap flint bifacially, which berries could be eaten... you cared for each other because it was the right thing to do!
You do not do these things without morality!
Morality grew in us for the survival and betterment of the tribe. It's as much a part of us as parental love.
Recent fossil finds have proven that we were making tools before we were even humans; how could something as important to us as morality not have been with us then as well?
Humans have the innate morality, not any belief or non belief, not any business that calls itself religion, not any fictional deity.
And it's long past the time we realised just how special we are as a species that we developed morality, love, kindness, and empathy for others.
Honestly, I think that if we hadn't developed such things, we wouldn't be here.
And it's also long past the time we came to the realisation that we, all of us in all parts of the world, are descendents of the small tribe of humans that fled an African drought some 80,000 years ago..
We're all related.
We're family.
We are all part of that ancient human tribe who passed on to us the most important survival tool we have.
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