Friday, May 29, 2015

Done Turning Away

How many times must an atheist turn away from someone talking about god until he's done turning away and gives his own opinion?
Five times?
A hundred?
I honestly don't know exactly how many times I've turned away because it's in the thousands.
But not always. Sometimes I speak my mind.
And every time... that's every time... I give my opinion, no matter how politely, I'm labelled as an attacker of Christianity, or a god hater, or a Satanist, or some other lesser or greater label.

I know some atheists that are hurt by these accusations. They're good people and they don't want people to think of them as haters, because they truly don't hate.
I, on the other hand, understand why such labels are put on atheists.

A very hypocritical censorship.

Few Christians really believe we're attacking their religion when we say, "I'm an atheist," or "There is no god."
What they're doing is what they've been programmed to do, what Christians have been doing since Roman times.
They are claiming persecution as a means of persecuting.
They are claiming censorship as a means of censoring.
They are claiming to be hated as they hate.

It's been 2000 years, Christians! Nobody is out to get you! You have one of the biggest followings on Earth! You have palaces of gold while millions starve! You have been living the dream for millennia but you just keep on claiming to be the underdog!
It's time to stop with the incessant victimization claims and sanctimonious finger pointing!

Because we're done turning away!

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