Monday, August 31, 2015

Got the time?

"The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it."
Henry David Thoreau

This is my 100th blog post in 100 days.
I have many other things I could be doing.
As the post count suggests, I love to write. I love the process, the choosing of the correct word, the rhythm and flow, the message, the gained self knowledge...
But I also love other things.
I'm also a writer of fiction, a woodworker, and a kiltmaker with many people who would love me to start making kilts again.
What pastime is it on which I would like to spend my time?

"Spend my time."

Yes, time is a commodity. We have only so much time to spend. I always appreciate it when someone chooses me as the person with which they would like to spend time, because it isn't a limitless commodity.
So, for my 100th blog post, I will give you my favourite quote, then go consider how best to spend my life.

Got the time?

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Religion forbids doubt.

Doubt is one of the prime factors in human education.

Without doubt, there is no skepticism.
Without doubt we do not question.
Without doubt, all ideas are permanent.

Take away doubt... purposely and systematically strip a child of the ability to question, to wonder, to see more than only one side of any question... allow that child only faith and belief and you create a slave to what that child is taught.

Too often this is religion, this is violence, this is racism, this is misogyny, this is hatred.

We must doubt everything, question everything, learn as much as we can, because only in education and scientific progression can we become more than just an overpopulated, albeit somewhat clever, species of mammal.

Religion forbids doubt.

Saturday, August 29, 2015


Any person who puts religious laws before the laws of a free society is guilty of treason and should be sentenced to serve the poor and homeless for ten years.

Any police officer who kills the citizens he has sworn to serve and protect should be tried, and if found guilty, subjected to twice the usual sentence for murder.

Any politician who takes campaign donations from billionaires with the promise of doing their bidding instead of serving the people is guilty of treason and should be jailed for life, in a cell next to the billionaire.

Any military officer who commands his men to point their weapons on the citizens of his own country is guilty of treason and should be summarily shot by his own troops.

All faith healers should be tested and if their claims found to be false, should be stripped of their wealth and made to serve the terminally ill for ten years.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Pattern recognition

Pattern recognition may have started as a predator's tool, a way to know what the prey was going to do and to plan for that action.
We can see this in wolves running down a deer in turns. Deer are fast but wolves can turn a deer in circles and tire it with tag team running. They can chase hooved prey into a rocky riverbed where the hooves will slip on the stones. Or in winter they might panic a herd to cause them their hooves to break through the snow, which the wolves and their large footpads can easily traverse.

Pattern recognition in humans has grown into part of our intelligence. It is one of the means we use to understand the universe.
It is even a standard by which we judge intelligence.
Whether we're watching a player across the poker table for patterns when he wins or loses a hand, or knowing that your spouse will want that last cup of coffee in the pot, we use pattern recognition in every part of our lives.

There are patterns in religions, too.
The miraculous birth, the virgin mother, the death and resurrection... the recognition of patterns in religion are one of the reasons atheists do not believe in gods.

Any religion is just one more religion with similar patterns, born of previous religions, followed by the scared and the stupid, and run by the unscrupulous and the immoral.

Religion is as predictable as war for profit and governments turning against their people for greed.

Recognise the pattern?

Why Bernie and not Hillary

The two biggest enemies of freedom are religion and the 1%.

Religion is slowly dying.
The 1% are daily acquiring more of everything.

Bernie Sanders is taking on the 1%. He can only do this if he is elected POTUS.
And only he can do this. Hillary Clinton is a puppet of corporations. Just look at her donors.

People, ordinary citizens, are Bernie's donors.

The question is whether the citizens of the USA will elect him, or decide they want to be further enslaved.

This election could be freedom vs religion and the 1%.
If Bernie Sanders isn't the Democratic nominee, then it's going to be the 1% for the win.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Adapt or die

Science is not a religion; it is a process.
From the first human who created fire some million and a half years ago, we have been building a base of knowledge that is ever more rapidly increasing.
Fire makes food taste better and kills harmful bacteria.
It was discovered that burnt spear tips are harder and make sharper points. Then we found that fired flint can be bifacially knapped, allowing a thrown spear to fly straighter.
And fire is light; it allowed us to see at night or in a dark cave.

Such discoveries enhanced our chances of survival and this is no different today.
Modern medicine allows for longer lives.
We are beginning to understand quantum physics, which is leading us to answers about the building blocks of life and the universe.
As we once left Africa, now we are leaving Earth.

The acquisition of knowledge is not religion, or faith, or a belief; its core is about the survival and advancement of the human species.

This is why religion must be spoken against. Religion would hold back knowledge that disproves its superstitions and this must never again be allowed. It demands irrational behaviour in life to attain a better, unproven, after-life.

Science is learning about life.
Religion is a death cult.

I choose knowledge and reason and beauty and happiness in nature - over blind belief in a non-existent god who demands misery and servitude for a worthless promise in death.

Knowledge enhanced life in the past and continues to do so today. Our current level of knowledge will be built upon by science and will enhance the future of humanity.

I choose reality.

The passing of religion

It never fails to amaze me that while some people fight desperately for their freedom, others will fight just as hard to remain enslaved.

To willingly surrender your freedom, your reasoning mind... even your life... to a belief that has not been proved by Christians to be true in spite of 2000 years of desperate searching... is beyond my scope of understanding.

I value freedom and free speech and reason because these are the things that have advanced us as humans, and there is no greater good that that of advancing humanity with those three ideals.

Gone are the primitive days of wondering who made the lights in the sky. We are a young species but we are outgrowing such nonsense.
There are religious powers that would once again hold back humanity's advancement.
But they are too late. They no longer have the power to terrorise a world into submissive acceptance through fear.

Religion is dying as the combined forces of reason and evidence continue to disprove religious holy books.

So, some will fight to retain their slavery, but the time is coming when the religious will have to learn be their own masters and accept responsibility for their own actions. I expect great things from the coming generations.

But religion?
It's all over but the crying.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

What is not allowed?

That is an interesting question.

If you heard God's voice telling you to kill unbelievers, would you do it? Or would you seek psychiatric help?

If you truly believe the bible is God's literal word, why don't you follow it to the letter? Why ignore the parts that would get you into legal trouble? God would praise you for your obedience.

With God, anything is permissible.
Slavery, child brides, rape, murder... all are permitted by the bible, so why don't Christians follow the bible?

Because they know inside themselves, through their innate human morality, that these things are wrong.
It is obvious that Christians know their bible isn't to be followed literally. They follow those parts they like and dismiss the rest.

They know but cannot admit their bible has false parts... impossible parts... parts that are immoral.

How can they reconcile their claims that the bible is God's word with this knowledge of an imperfect bible?
This can only be explained by an illogical dismissal of that which they don't want to see, in order to maintain their belief.

This is called faith and it is not a virtue; it is a willing blindness to truth.
It is a sickness of the mind on the same order as putting a hand in your coat and calling yourself Napoleon. It is a detachment from reality.

How far does this mental illness affect their lives?
The Christian willingness to disbelieve in order to believe is even practised on their own bible.

"Why do you hate God?"

First, you must be mind bogglingly stupid to believe I can hate something which I don't believe exists.

Second, you aren't asking why I hate all gods; you're asking me why I hate your god.

I don't hate any gods. Not Thor, Yahweh, Allah, or Set.
Thay are all myths to me.

But I will speak out against any religion that kills or harms for its religious dogma, tries to use public schools to indoctrinate children, or uses fear and lies to control populations.

I am against any religion that purposely or negligently holds back the progress of humanity.
I see religion as a superstitious evil.
I don't believe in any gods but I don't care if you do. In fact, I will argue for your right to believe in whatever you choose to believe... right up to the moment you try to force one single person to believe as you do.
I don't care if your holy book tells you that everyone must be converted for the glory of your god.
If you're lying to children and putting the fear of your god in them, or the fear of harm in them for your religion's sake, then I'll fight you.

How will I fight you? How could I even try to fight your all powerful god?

I will use the three weapons so feared by religions that they do everything they can to keep them from being openly used with violence and blasphemy laws.

Those weapons are truth, education, and free speech.

These weapons of reason are more powerful than any religions ever invented by man.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

God is a hat rabbit

I've had lots of unexplainable things happen in my life. Things that seem supernatural.
I can't explain them but they fascinate me. There is more going on than we know. Weird connections we feel but don't understand.
But ... that doesn't equate to the existence of a god. Just because I don't understand something, doesn't mean god exists. It just means I don't understand what happened.
It's not proof of god. Any god.
I didn't believe in god in the first place, so I don't automatically assume he did the unknown things.

God is not my fallback excuse for the unexplained.

There is so much I will never know, that I will never understand... some of it that nobody yet understands... but I'm okay with that.
I can say, "I don't know," and leave it alone because there's probably something else I'm trying to figure out.

Too many people equate a god with magic, as if that will explain what they don't understand.
Pulling a rabbit out of a hat isn't a miracle.

Magic. That's what religion promotes as the reason for everything that ever existed.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

I am a believer!

If you don't already know; I love coffee.

I'm not a snob or a gourmet... I don't drink lattes or frappes or iced coffees... I just like a nice, hot, strong cuppa joe.

I stopped at the Thrift Store on the way home and picked up this beautiful, vintage GE percolator.
Since my DeLonghi drip coffee maker died, I've been pouring boiling water over coffee in a filter that sits in a funnel.
You can make surprisingly decent coffee with minimal effort but it wasn't up to the high quality of coffee to be had from my Delonghi, which made a very tasty cup.

But this percolator... it makes coffee better than the Delonghi!
Strong, dark, flavourful... I haven't had a cup of coffee as satisfying lo these many years!
And it's fast!

I'm a percolating believer!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia... lets just call them all one unified word, hatred.

And these hates are all based in religion.
These Abrahamic religion based hatreds seed divisiveness in our society and keep us from becoming one voice.

This is changing.
I see many Black Lives Matter posts speaking out against trans killings.
I see many atheist posts speaking out against racism.
I see many gay rights posts speaking out against religion.

We all want the same freedom to be who we are and not be oppressed because of who we are.

The real oppressors are religions and the 1%, who pay people to hate and to cause suffering, fear, and division.

We will not be free until we have dealt with these entities.
The only way we have a chance of winning our freedom is... together.

You can't be partly free

I am saddened and that some of my fellow humans reject their own reason simply to worship unprovable gods.

I find it cowardly and shameful to willingly surrender your freedom, to deny your reasoning ability, to ignore any evidence that conflicts with your religious beliefs, because you fear a man made notion of eternal torture after you die.

But it is your right to be a craven coward and I do not deny you your cowardice.

But try to force me, or anyone else, to be cowards or (in your twisted fanatic's logic) to proclaim your cowardice as a virtue and I will speak out against you.

The time of the bullied and submissive atheist is gone.
The new atheists are here to counter you with reason and logic and we will not be bullied into a current version of the Dark Ages.

Freedom of religion includes freedom from religion.
You might not like it. I don't care.
You can't be partly free.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Speak or be silenced

It is not enough to pat yourself on the back for being smart enough to be an atheist. You must speak out. The hate of religion must be opposed.
If you do not speak out for your free speech, you might as well not have free speech, and by not speaking out you could very easily lose free speech.

Just look to the dark ages for a previous example of Christianity in power. Look to Africa to see Christianity in power today.
Or look to current Islamic countries that imprison, torture, or kill those that speak against Islam.

By not speaking out against religion, you allow religions to take small bites of all our freedoms.
Free speech is just the beginning. There are cries for new worldwide blasphemy laws. There are violences taking place for those who mock religions or write truths about them.

Speak for your freedom today and for the future of humanity.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Religion is hate

The core of immorality leads to religion.

Racism - religion
Homophobia - religion
Rape - religion
Slavery - religion
Misogyny - religion
Pedophilia - religion
Murder - religion
Divisiveness - religion

If your religion condones hate, then you are condoning hate by supporting that religion.

All three of the Abrahamic religions condone most of the above list of hateful acts. The Abrahamic God is not a loving god.
He is a god of hate and would have the world divided and hateful.
Once you believe you are among a god chosen people, you will turn to hate in your arrogance of belief.

You can support hate or you can support love.
If you support love, you must defy your hateful religion.
You cannot love hate.

Hate vs love.
There is no middle ground.

We are in control

Friday, August 14, 2015

Why the hate?

What is the cause of racism?
Science has proven we are all one human race with only fractional differences.
Why the hate?

What is the cause of homophobia?
Some people are born with a preference for their own gender.
Why the hate?

What is the cause of misogyny?
Why do some think 50% of the human population is less worthy than the other 50%?
Why the hate?

Why are the Abrahamic religious books so divisive?
Why do they state some people are better than others, that homosexuality is a sin punishable by death, that women are worth less than men?

Because they were written by men who wanted power for themselves and their people, so they wrote their religious laws to state that God proclaimed other people evil, or sinful, or less worthy.

Now, almost two millennia later, people still judge others by looks, by sexuality, and by gender, based on ancient religious texts written with the purpose of acquiring power over primitive people.

Why the hate?

Hate is power to the Abrahamic religions.

Stop the hate.
Be your own power.
Love you.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Pascal's Wager 2: Dumb Ass!

If you give me Pascal's Wager, I give you Occam's Razor.
Plus, Pascal's Wager is a cowardly way to live. It is an insincere and ineffective offering to a god in which you don't believe, who if existed, would see right through such a false bet.
I don't fear Hell any more than I fear Voldemort.
Hell is the donkey's stick. Heaven is the donkey's carrot.
I am not a dumb ass.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Keeping God small

God is limited by the imagination of his believers, even as religion forces limits on the imagination.
"Faith is more important than knowledge."
Religion tells us to have faith above reason. It tells us not to question religion, and not to question anything which might lead to a question of religion.
The imagination of believers is stunted by not questioning, which in effect reduces their god to the constraints of mindless dogma and makes him a finder of lost keys and a giver of touchdowns.

The imagination is kept too small to form any questions that might show religious flaws.
Anything outside of dogma is conveniently and unthinkingly explained with, "God is too vast to comrehend."

Those who created Christianity had to steal most of it from Judaism and various previous religions because even they lacked the imagination to have an original thought.

Except in rare cases, imagination and religions do not mix well, and that's probably a good thing.
Just look at what was done with L. Ron Hubbard's invented religion!
Give some humans half a chance to believe without questioning and they will willingly enslave themselves.

I must admit, I don't understand these people. I love some of them, but I don't understand this voluntary slavery.

Monday, August 10, 2015

One people

I'm not a joiner.
I belong to no clubs and no political parties.
I don't even like to go to parties.

I'm a loner, for the most part. Always have been. I like my alone time and prefer to write or draw or paint than explain who I am to someone else.

It is enough for me to be part of the human race.
Not Black or White or Asian or Indian or Polynesian or any group that serves to divide my race.

Since the last neanderthal died, all people belong to the same tribe.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Silence is permission

Silence in the face of injustice is indistinguishable from permission.

If a boy is being bullied by an older boy and you silently turn away, you are giving the older boy permission to bully others.

If a man is unjustly killed by police and you silently turn away, you are condoning murder.

If a child is genitally mutilated in a primitive religious tradition and you silently turn away, there is blood on your hands.

Only by speaking out can you stop hate.

There is no difference in the sound of silent outrage and the sound of silent permission.

Never give up! Never surrender!

Why is it that some would state that we are a beaten people, that it is useless for anyone to fight for freedom from religion and against the 1%?

I have to admit I don't understand this defeatist mindset.

I maintain that admitting defeat  due to premature surrender against these forces is to be without hope or love for humanity.
Yes, there is injustice.
Yes, there is cruelty.
Yes, there is stupidity.
Yes, there is criminal greed.
Indeed, there are powerful forces trying to turn us into their slaves.
There is not one nor all of these that is invincible.

I'm fighting.
I'm speaking out.
I'm going to teach Christians what it is to be an atheist.

I'm about to start a somewhat risky experiment to see just how violent the opposition to atheism is in my city.
I want to show Christians the hate that their religion fosters for atheists.
I want them to be as shocked and dismayed as atheists are when they see the dark side of Christianity.
I want to shock them into questioning their religion's practices.
I'm no longer satisfied with open but patient atheism.
I'm going to start wearing clothing with ATHEIST printed on it.
At first I'll simply report the reactions. If things seem to be getting heated in my daily commute, I'll start filming some encounters and putting them on youtube.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

You can't fight City Hall

"Oh well, what're ya gonna do?"
"They hold all the cards."
"It's their world. We just live in it."
"One step forward; two steps back."
"Nobody else cares. Why should I?"
"It's always been this way."

I find this attitude to be exactly what the 1% wants... exactly what religions want... exactly what your boss wants.
And it is exactly what has been hammered into you by your teachers, your employers, your police, and your government.

We are ritually trained to be drones, self defeated and selling our freedom for a chance at a better life with more things that don't matter... because it can all be taken away at a moment's notice.

How can you fight?

Chase a dream. There's something you've always wanted to do.
Do it.
Obsess about it. Delve into it. Make it part of you the way a musician plays an instrument.
Learn it!
Learn anything! Educate yourself in languages, cultures, history...

But all of us have to stop making excuses. We weren't vigilant enough. We let people take too much and leave us without enough.
We let religion have its way and we must now have ours.

All the power these people have, that religion has... you must understand...
We give them their power!

They need us but we do not need them.
We would be free and happy without big business and religion.
Imagine that!
Free and happy!

And all we have to do is say, "Enough!"

Thursday, August 6, 2015

It's all part of God's plan

Plan? What plan?

What kind of all knowing, all seeing god needs to say, "Oops, I fucked up," and wipe out the entire human race to start over?


What a bunch of bullshit!

Any kid I grew up with that played the Mousetrap board game could make a better plan than the plan of the bible because those now grown kids understand that success is doing the right things in the right order.

So grow up, face reality, and know that anything that goes right or wrong for you is due to only one person...


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

One race

That photo is from Rio but the city doesn't matter. The country doesn't matter.
It's a large, grown man, a police officer in a vest with a gun, pepper spraying a helpless little girl for fun. Her eyes will burn and she will scream in pain. She will likely throw up from the mucous caused by the spray. And she will know that there are people in the world who think she is worthless.

If you can callously spray a child with pepper spray, or kill someone because you have a badge and you just want to, then you have decided long before that there are some people whose lives don't matter.
You have decided that the world would be better off without that person.
You have decided that the child you are pepper spraying is not a member of the human race and deserves no more respect than a bug in your bathtub.

It might be a black person. It might be a poor person. It might be a mentally handicapped person. It isn't about the kind of person you decide isn't human. It's about the kind of person that sprays a child with pepper spray or kills just because he wants to and can get away with it.

The measure of a person is in what they do when they have power over others. If they fail this test, they should be immediately and forever removed from positions of power and forced to seek counselling.

Science has proven that we are all one human tribe.
To imagine that some parts of the tribe are worth less than others is wrong and futile.
We must stop this idea of racism because there is only one race of people.
The human race.

A question for Christians

The human race is at least 100,000 years old.
Christianity is about 2,000 years old.
So, for at least 98,000 years, humans had to get along with each other, co-operate, and trust each other, simply to survive.

My question to Christians is, why do you insist that atheists can't be moral or trusted, when for 98,000 years we relied on each other's words to form trusts with each other?

What is the basis of your mistrust of atheists?
I'll tell you. It's what you've been told to believe by Christian leaders.
The Catholic church started labelling and persecuting atheists to keep them quiet.
It worked. It's still working.
I hear about atheists every day who are afraid to state their non belief because they fear for their safety.
Christians are still persecuting atheists. How are we the immoral ones?

Atheists choose not to lie. They have no holy books or threats of Hell to keep them from lying, raping, killing, stealing, and anything else they choose to do.
So, why don't they?
Why are prisons filled with 98% believers and 2% atheists?

Because atheists do not forgive themselves as easily as a Christian can be forgiven.
Because atheists don't believe in heaven; we have to make this life as beautiful and honest as we can.
Because atheists don't believe that there is a supernatural force looking out for them that will make everything turn out okay. We have to do things for ourselves, with ourselves to blame if they don't work out.

Atheists believe this to be our only life. With no promise of a glorious afterlife in Heaven or an endless torture in Hell, this life is all we have.

What you Christians call a lack of morality is actually a lack of Christianity. You're not against immorality; you're against non-Christianity.

I find this intellectual dishonesty to be immoral. You can call atheism immoral if you choose, but let's not pretend it's the morally superior thing to do.
Christianity has never been morally superior to atheism and never will be. It lacks the honesty to be moral.

Suggested reading:

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

God is propaganda

"Do you believe in Jesus?"
"Just as much as I believe in Batman."
"Batman? Batman is a comic book character. Jesus was real!"
"How do you know Jesus was real?"
"The bible says so!"
"The comics say Batman was real."
"But comics are written by people."
"So was the bible."
"God wrote the bible!"
"With a pen or a quill?"
"God inspired men to write the words."
"I see. Who inspired Michelangelo to paint the Sistine Chapel?"
"And who inspired DaVinci to paint The Last Supper?"
"So man's creativity is inspired by God?"
"Of course!"
"So, God inspired Bob Kane to write the Batman comics?"
"Yes. I guess so."
"So why is Jesus believed to exist but not Batman?"
"Because God told men to write what they'd seen of Jesus."
"But the bible wasn't written until at least a hundred years after Jesus died. There were no witnesses left alive by then. It was hearsay."
"God wrote the bible!"
"You said God inspired men to write the bible."
"Yes! He did!"
"And you said God inspired Bob Kane to write Batman."
"So what's the difference?"
"The difference is that God wrote... had the bible written... to tell people how to live their lives, so they can get to Heaven."
"No. If that's all the bible was for, then it wouldn't have all the explanations of the universe and all those silly stories. It would just be a book of rules.
But it isn't just a book of rules. It is from start to finish, a book whose sole purpose is to rationalise its own rules.
It is a book about propaganda."
"God doesn't need propaganda!"
"God IS the propaganda! The bible is a book of rules meant to control people. God is the means to get people to follow the rules."
""In the beginning, God created..."
That phrase right there is the first sentence because it is necessary for the reader to believe that above all else. Without complete belief in that sentence, the rest of the book is up for doubt."
"You make it sound so contrived!"
"Any writer will tell you that the first line must draw the reader into the book. It's called a literary hook and it's been around since cavemen told nightime stories by the light of fires."
"Why do you hate God so much?"
"I don't hate what you call God because there never was such an entity. I hate the propaganda called God because it uses fear to control people and make them do bad things."
"That's just crazy!"
"And one of those bad things is to blind people to reasonable thought about gods and replace it with a vile, disgusting idea called faith."
"I love my faith! Without it I'm nothing!"
"I just wish you could see beyond it."
"I don't need to. No amount of proof could ever shake my faith!"
"And that is exactly the response the bible was written to elicit... blind, unquestioning faith."
"Faith can move mountains!"
"But it doesn't. Faith just stops questions. There are no answers without questions."
"God is the answer to all questions!"

"I rest my case."

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Pimp for Jesus

"Do you have a minute to talk about Jesus?"
"A minute? Okay, time me!"
He glanced at his watch and I started.
"Jesus was a Palestinian Jew whose dad impregnated his mom but she somehow stayed a virgin. He raised a few dead guys, killed a tree, catered a gathering at very low cost, even had an open bar, healed some lepers, spoke on a hill, walked on water, wrassled the devil, was crucified, killed, rose from the dead, then disappeared.
Was that a minute?"
"Um... you have ten seconds left."
"Okay, Jesus also gave us Hell if we don't follow him."
"Wow! Well, at least we don't have to worry about Hell!"
"You can worry all you like.
I don't.
I'm an atheist."
"No, you're not."
"I am!"
He looked confused.
"An athe... then how do you know about Jesus?"
"Typical Christian. You whore your book to anyone who will listen, then think nobody but a Christian could know what was in it."
"Wha...? Whore?"
"Yes. Whore. That makes you a pimp for Jesus."
He turned and walked away.

Atheist vs agnostic

An atheist denies the possibility of gods.
An agnostic states that we can't be 100% sure there are no gods.

Something does not become a possibility simply because someone believes it.
If someone claims to believe in a god made entirely out of guacamole, we need give no credence to the belief because it is ridiculous. I hold all religious beliefs with this same incredulity.
I hold no more belief in the god of Abraham than I do in the god of guacamole.

Agnostics have told me, "You can't be 100% sure there are no gods."
Actually, I am 100% sure there are no gods. I find the idea of gods to be infantile, a kind of need to be protected or led, a lingering evolutionary need for a strong tribal leader.

All gods that can't be seen, heard, or sensed in any scientific way, are indistinguishable from non-existence.

I can't think of one reason why I would call myself agnostic.
That would be using religious logic that asks me to, Prove God doesn't exist!"

The burden of proof is not on the atheist, but on the religious person... or the agnostic... to show any evidence for the existence of a god.

With a total lack of evidence, I fail to see how one could claim any chance of the existence of gods.

I'm an atheist.
There are no gods.