From the first human who created fire some million and a half years ago, we have been building a base of knowledge that is ever more rapidly increasing.
Fire makes food taste better and kills harmful bacteria.
It was discovered that burnt spear tips are harder and make sharper points. Then we found that fired flint can be bifacially knapped, allowing a thrown spear to fly straighter.
And fire is light; it allowed us to see at night or in a dark cave.
Such discoveries enhanced our chances of survival and this is no different today.
Modern medicine allows for longer lives.
We are beginning to understand quantum physics, which is leading us to answers about the building blocks of life and the universe.
As we once left Africa, now we are leaving Earth.
The acquisition of knowledge is not religion, or faith, or a belief; its core is about the survival and advancement of the human species.
This is why religion must be spoken against. Religion would hold back knowledge that disproves its superstitions and this must never again be allowed. It demands irrational behaviour in life to attain a better, unproven, after-life.
Science is learning about life.
Religion is a death cult.
I choose knowledge and reason and beauty and happiness in nature - over blind belief in a non-existent god who demands misery and servitude for a worthless promise in death.
Knowledge enhanced life in the past and continues to do so today. Our current level of knowledge will be built upon by science and will enhance the future of humanity.
I choose reality.
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