Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The passing of religion

It never fails to amaze me that while some people fight desperately for their freedom, others will fight just as hard to remain enslaved.

To willingly surrender your freedom, your reasoning mind... even your life... to a belief that has not been proved by Christians to be true in spite of 2000 years of desperate searching... is beyond my scope of understanding.

I value freedom and free speech and reason because these are the things that have advanced us as humans, and there is no greater good that that of advancing humanity with those three ideals.

Gone are the primitive days of wondering who made the lights in the sky. We are a young species but we are outgrowing such nonsense.
There are religious powers that would once again hold back humanity's advancement.
But they are too late. They no longer have the power to terrorise a world into submissive acceptance through fear.

Religion is dying as the combined forces of reason and evidence continue to disprove religious holy books.

So, some will fight to retain their slavery, but the time is coming when the religious will have to learn be their own masters and accept responsibility for their own actions. I expect great things from the coming generations.

But religion?
It's all over but the crying.

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