Wednesday, August 5, 2015

A question for Christians

The human race is at least 100,000 years old.
Christianity is about 2,000 years old.
So, for at least 98,000 years, humans had to get along with each other, co-operate, and trust each other, simply to survive.

My question to Christians is, why do you insist that atheists can't be moral or trusted, when for 98,000 years we relied on each other's words to form trusts with each other?

What is the basis of your mistrust of atheists?
I'll tell you. It's what you've been told to believe by Christian leaders.
The Catholic church started labelling and persecuting atheists to keep them quiet.
It worked. It's still working.
I hear about atheists every day who are afraid to state their non belief because they fear for their safety.
Christians are still persecuting atheists. How are we the immoral ones?

Atheists choose not to lie. They have no holy books or threats of Hell to keep them from lying, raping, killing, stealing, and anything else they choose to do.
So, why don't they?
Why are prisons filled with 98% believers and 2% atheists?

Because atheists do not forgive themselves as easily as a Christian can be forgiven.
Because atheists don't believe in heaven; we have to make this life as beautiful and honest as we can.
Because atheists don't believe that there is a supernatural force looking out for them that will make everything turn out okay. We have to do things for ourselves, with ourselves to blame if they don't work out.

Atheists believe this to be our only life. With no promise of a glorious afterlife in Heaven or an endless torture in Hell, this life is all we have.

What you Christians call a lack of morality is actually a lack of Christianity. You're not against immorality; you're against non-Christianity.

I find this intellectual dishonesty to be immoral. You can call atheism immoral if you choose, but let's not pretend it's the morally superior thing to do.
Christianity has never been morally superior to atheism and never will be. It lacks the honesty to be moral.

Suggested reading:

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