Sunday, August 9, 2015

Never give up! Never surrender!

Why is it that some would state that we are a beaten people, that it is useless for anyone to fight for freedom from religion and against the 1%?

I have to admit I don't understand this defeatist mindset.

I maintain that admitting defeat  due to premature surrender against these forces is to be without hope or love for humanity.
Yes, there is injustice.
Yes, there is cruelty.
Yes, there is stupidity.
Yes, there is criminal greed.
Indeed, there are powerful forces trying to turn us into their slaves.
There is not one nor all of these that is invincible.

I'm fighting.
I'm speaking out.
I'm going to teach Christians what it is to be an atheist.

I'm about to start a somewhat risky experiment to see just how violent the opposition to atheism is in my city.
I want to show Christians the hate that their religion fosters for atheists.
I want them to be as shocked and dismayed as atheists are when they see the dark side of Christianity.
I want to shock them into questioning their religion's practices.
I'm no longer satisfied with open but patient atheism.
I'm going to start wearing clothing with ATHEIST printed on it.
At first I'll simply report the reactions. If things seem to be getting heated in my daily commute, I'll start filming some encounters and putting them on youtube.

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