Sunday, August 23, 2015

What is not allowed?

That is an interesting question.

If you heard God's voice telling you to kill unbelievers, would you do it? Or would you seek psychiatric help?

If you truly believe the bible is God's literal word, why don't you follow it to the letter? Why ignore the parts that would get you into legal trouble? God would praise you for your obedience.

With God, anything is permissible.
Slavery, child brides, rape, murder... all are permitted by the bible, so why don't Christians follow the bible?

Because they know inside themselves, through their innate human morality, that these things are wrong.
It is obvious that Christians know their bible isn't to be followed literally. They follow those parts they like and dismiss the rest.

They know but cannot admit their bible has false parts... impossible parts... parts that are immoral.

How can they reconcile their claims that the bible is God's word with this knowledge of an imperfect bible?
This can only be explained by an illogical dismissal of that which they don't want to see, in order to maintain their belief.

This is called faith and it is not a virtue; it is a willing blindness to truth.
It is a sickness of the mind on the same order as putting a hand in your coat and calling yourself Napoleon. It is a detachment from reality.

How far does this mental illness affect their lives?
The Christian willingness to disbelieve in order to believe is even practised on their own bible.

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