Thursday, June 18, 2015

An open letter to the USA

I am a Canadian, your neighbour. We share the longest unprotected border in the world and we have long been friends on the global scene.
But I don't understand you.

For all your tough talk and warlike tendencies, you let your black citizens be gunned down by police for no reason and there's rarely any consequences.
And you do not act. There's over 300 million of you and you do nothing while another person is shamed, or beaten, or killed. Do you not get that they are you?
I don't understand you.

Your country has the potential to be the greatest country in the world, to lead the world to the stars, but your country is being bought from under you. You elect politicians who sell your country, then elect them again.
I don't understand you.

Today a young white man killed black people in a church in South Carolina.
They caught him. Alive.
I honestly believe a black man guilty of a far lesser crime would not have been taken alive.
He said he did it because he is racist. The press heard this but called his motives unclear.
I don't understand you.

I'm not asking you for an explanation. I'm not asking you to defend your national pride
I'm asking you, just for myself...

Please stop killing black people.
Please stop killing.

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