Sunday, June 14, 2015

Mama needs no ID

Everything that lives grows from
something small, lives its life, and dies forever, leaving behind a new generation.


Even people.

That's natural.

I mention this because it seems that to believe in an afterlife, you have to see yourself as something outside nature.
Whether this is because a holy book told you so, or because you believe in a soul that lives after your body dies... it is an unnatural idea.
And we have not, in all the time humans have been looking for such answers, found one scrap of verifiable proof of the supernatural. Everything is natural.

In a universe of 100,000,000,000 (one hundred billion) galaxies averaging 100,000,000,000 (one hundred billion) stars each, we are a tiny speck.

And you want to tell me some supernatural being created all this just so he could ghost write a book rife with inconsistencies, allow it to be mistranslated, misunderstood, misconstrued, to tell a few of only one type of primitive mammals on one small world that he would let them come to supernatural heaven if they worshipped him as slaves, but not until the world ended?

Really? You actually believe this?

I got ID checked at the pub until I was nearing 30 years old because nobody would to believe I was over 19 without evidence.

"I'm sorry God, I'm gonna need to see some ID.
No. I don't care if you have friends inside.
I don't care if you know the band.
I need to see some ID!
No ID?
Please step to the side. Mother Nature wants to come in.
Hey Mama! Lookin' good!
What's that God? ID Mama? Hahaha! Everyone knows Mama! Maybe you could stand a little further from the doorway... a little more... thanks."

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