The Pope:
“We have grown up thinking that we were her owners and dominators, authorized to loot her.
The violence that exists in the human heart, wounded by sin, is also manifest in the symptoms of illness that we see in the Earth, the water, the air and in living things.”
First off, how did we grow up thinking we owned the Earth?
The bible:
"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."
It is disingenuous to state that our belief in our ownership of Earth is wrong, when the bible gives us that belief as the word of God.
Sin is a strictly religious word.
There is no sin, other than that created by religion.
We are not created as sinful creatures; we are born innocent and trusting.
Then religions use that trust to make us believe we are sinful and that the only way to absolve ourselves of sin is to live our lives by their rules.
Mankind's sin is the cause for climate change?
By that reasoning, the Pope is stating...
If sin causes climate change, then being Catholic will heal the Earth.
Let's see... how can we use the greatest problem mankind has ever faced to our advantage?
He takes a scientifically proven process like global warming and applies superstition to it, for no other purpose than to bolster the failing attendance of the Catholic church.
In the guise of a modern, intelligent Pope, he continues to try to keep mankind in the dark ages of religion.
Different Pope. New topic.
Same goal as ever.
I am not enamoured of this Pope as others seem to be. They see the Pope's words as if he is saying what they believe.
He isn't. Look deeper at his words.
If I say, "That's a pretty dress," then that's all I meant.
If I say, "That's a pretty dress. It will look good at church on Sunday," then I'm not simply complimenting the dress. I'm adding an expectation of the wearer of the dress.
The Pope says climate change is real and everyone cries, "Hooray!"
Wait a minute... didn't you see that he placed the blame on sin? Didn't you see the shift from the problem to proselytisation?
He is portraying a new kind of Pope on the surface, but he's the same as the all the others.
This Pope just smiles better than the others.
This is the same Pope who when discussing Africa said, "Aids is bad but condoms are worse."
Different problem. Same selfish thought process.
"Screw people. Screw the planet. What is best for the Catholic church?"
If the Pope wants to get into scientific topics...
Scientists do everything in their power to disprove other scientist's hypothesis to either discredit or validate it.
Why can't we look closer at the words of a leader of a religion renowned for its cruelty, falseness, and self importance?
He has a kind face. Let's trust what he says and believe that he just wants everything to be flowers and puppies.
Becoming Pope is harder than becoming POTUS. It is a ruthless political procees involving all sorts of power accumulation.
Make no mistake. This Pope is as ruthless and power hungry as they come.
Do not underestimate him!
And always look at all his words with the same scrutiny as you would any hypothesis. Don't just hear the words that seem to agree with your ideals and share them as if they were true.
If anyone's words ever needed to be scrutinised for their message, it would be the words of a Pope.
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