The necessary companion to belief in a god is disbelief in evidence and history.
If people claim belief in a god, how do they reconcile evidence that proves claims of their religion to be false?
They do not reconcile it; to all evidence and doubt, they close their minds tighter than that jam jar in the back of the fridge.
Noah's Flood.
all the ice covering Antarctica, Greenland, and in mountain glaciers
around the world were to melt, sea level would rise about 70 meters (230
feet). Water would cover all the coastal cities and land area would
shrink significantly. But many inland and higher cities would survive.
But the world would not be covered by water, nor would all people not on Noah's Ark die.
What about all those other people who owned boats?
How much fresh water could a boat that size carry?
And how many thirsty animals?
What did the predators eat?
What did the herbivores eat?
The whole story is bullshit.
bible is filled with bullshit stories that could possibly be believed
by bronze age people but today we have evidence that proves a lot of
these stories to be impossible. Yet, there are creationists alive today who insist that dinosaurs were on Noah's Ark about 6000 years ago.
No... really!
are entirely ignoring evidence and rewriting history to allow
themselves to continue to believe in the bible, as science persistently
disproves its contents.
Calling the bible, "Historical evidence," is a creative, though false statement.
evidence is a made up phrase that means, "We have all the evidence we
need in the bible, thank you very much. Stop bugging us with verifiable
It's one thing to claim belief in a religion. It's
another to be presented with scientific evidence against a religious
claim... and ignore it. Or simply claim it is wrong with no evidence for
your denial other than faith.
In this age of knowledge, one simply cannot believe in a god without disbelieving in evidence and history.
A Christian will default into a faith mindset whenever doubts occur or reasonable arguments are given against Christianity.
faith mindset successfully repels all doubts and arguments because it is nothing
more than putting your fingers in your ears and shouting, "NA NA NA NA
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