Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Shut up or pay up!

Can anyone tell me why religions do not pay taxes?

They can in no way be called charitable organisations!

The only reason I can see is that it is intended to keep religions out of politics...

Yeah, I know... it's not working!

Religions should pay taxes.
They should pay back taxes.
It's not like they're going to pack up and leave if we make them pay taxes. They'll pay... though they'll cry persecution the whole time.

So what? We've heard it before. They've been crying religious persecution while in power for 1700 years! Nothing will have changed but billions more in tax revenue.

Look at the Republican party. Every major candidate is an over the top, right wing, fundamental Christian zealot, who wants to replace evolution with creationism in schools, end women's reproductive rights, introduce blasphemy laws, introduce bigotry enabling laws, and turn the USA into a theocracy.

You want to cry freedom of religion while undermining freedom by open involvement in politics?
Tax them. Tax them hard.

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