Thursday, June 4, 2015


"If God isn't real, who made the universe?"

The universe was created by a series of natural occurrences, as was the Earth.
We can see evidence of how the Earth was created, how it was impacted by another object,causing the moon to break off and become a satellite. We can see these things in radioactive clues and using our scientific expertise.
We don't have to be there to see what happened. There is always evidence left of the past.


Archeology, geology, biology, and other sciences all agree that dinosaurs walked the Earth some 66 million years ago. Some evolved and became birds. Most died out due to a meteor strike off the Yucatan Peninsula. We have solid evidence from multiple scientific fields to support this theory. Fossil record shifts, a layer of iridium, etc.

In fact, we are getting closer to solving the origins of the universe.
We ask questions, find answers, and move on. Sometimes the answers take generations to uncover. Sometimes we just don't have the necessary technology to get the answer... Yet.
We're a young species. We'll get there.

But we have found absolutely no evidence of any gods for all of the universe's history.
Not one of the almost 4,000 gods left a clue behind.
Not one clue.
Not a footprint, fingerprint, bit of DNA, or a fossil. Not one bit of supernatural ectoplasm from another realm, not one single item that wasn't man made.


The only 'proofs' that anyone or anything made the universe are unsubstantiated miracles, claims by 'prophets', and texts written by people.
Look at today's televangelists. They are the same kind of people that started religions, wrote holy books, and lived off the work of others. Fear mongers and parasites, every last one of them. If it wasn't for the easily duped, they'd be in the welfare line because not one of them ever did an honest day's work.

The only logical conclusion is that nobody made the universe and that gods are a creation of man.

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