Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Be a rebel

"The genius is the one who is most like himself."
Thelonious Monk

I saw that quote on line and thought, "That's the biggest problem I have with religion."
Sure, there's the whole impossibility of religion, and the master/slave relationship, and the silly rules, but my biggest beef with religion, and any person or group, is that they want me to be someone other than myself.

I like me the way I am, for the most part. If there's going to be any changes in who I am, they're going to come from my wish to change, and nobody else's.

I am unique, just like everyone else. The difference is, I'm not trying to lose my uniqueness and fit into a group, a clique, or a religion.
Nor should you.
I don't want to meet another person who is bland and acceptable, and comfortable, and willing to compromise to make everyone feel better. I've met these people all my life and they have no opinions of their own.
They live their lives trying to be inconspicuous.
Can you imagine that? They bury their personality in order to not be seen.
Because Christianity has told people that being meek and humble and accepting is the way to heaven.
Look at the people who have changed the way we live with their discoveries. You will see that scientists, inventors, thinkers, artists... very few of them tried to hide in the crowd. It was because they were fully formed individuals that they were able to postulate their unique ideas. It was because they weren't the type to conform that they were able to dare to put forth a rebel idea.

We owe our technology, our civilisation, our knowledge, to the rebels.

Be a rebel.

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