Thursday, July 30, 2015

Mob rule cyber bullying

A dentist hires African guides and kills a lion that was illegally lured from a game reserve by his guides.

From his persective, he did everything legally.
From a moral standpoint, he kills for fun and has previously cheated the system to bag game.

You have the right to dislike him for his morals and his actions as a trophy hunter.
You do not have the right to end his livelihood, disrupt his family, post his personal info online, and cyber bully him into hiding for fear of his life with death threats.

Sir Tim Hunt, a Nobel Prize winning scientist was wrongly accused of being a misogynist by one woman.


His life was turned upside down by her lies and by the mob rule cyber bullying that followed.
While he was shown to be innocent of her charges, his reputation was damaged.

You might be angry at a trophy hunter. You might be disgusted at his callous disregard for the life of a beautiful creature such as the lion he killed.
But ruining one dentist's life and ruining the lives of his family will not stop trophy hunting.

I detest trophy hunting. I think it is a barbaric and needless event, undertaken by stupid and heartless people, that has no place in the modern world.
I've heard the argument for income to the Africans. I've heard the argument for culling of animals to let the rest live better.
It comes down to people who need to kill to have fun.
Trophy hunting must end.
But cyber bullying will not end trophy hunting. It will only make it more discreet.

Mob rule is no path to justice or fairness.
Who chooses the cause in which it is morally acceptable to cyber bully?
Anti vaxxers?

The problem with mob rule cyber bullying is that if we allow it to be established as an acceptable form of protest, then we lose control of it right from the start.

What do you believe in or not believe in?
There is a mob out there just waiting to cyber bully you for your personal convictions, whether they are moral or immoral.

Mob rule is wrong because the mob has no mind. It feeds off anger and outrage and denies any calls for calm, logic, reason, and fairness.

Mob rule cyber bullying is the online version of a riot. There's no control, nobody steering the mob, and no riot police.
Just a million people screaming for the death of a dentist with a pastime they don't like.
It is political correctness transformed into a cyber lynch mob. I have seen people volunteer to kill this man for the price of a plane ticket to his city!

Mob rule turns humans into a thing bent on the destruction of its target, and if the wrong target is chosen, there are no consequences, apologies, or reparations.

If you choose chaos as justice, then you must accept chaos as punishment if you are falsely accused.

Some are calling for legal justice. These people have petitions and want justice done by the law.
I applaud their reason.
Others are calling for revenge, for his torture, for his agonising death while they laugh at his pain.

Don't you see the irony in that? Don't you see that those people are just as bad as the dentist?
How can you call for an end to killing and suffering by offering to torture people to death?

This is mob rule cyber bullying at its worst and it's every bit as sickening and depraved as trophy hunting.

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