Friday, July 24, 2015

Religion is a force for good?

This is one of those lies that has been repeated so many times that it has become common knowledge.

In other words, it's bullshit.

Don't take my word for it. Ask the Native peoples of any country in the world that have had Christians visit them. That is, if any are still alive and remember snippets of their language or customs. The church routinely crushed whole cultures in the name of their god, as well as beat, shamed, raped thei women and children, and killed them.

Not enough? Still think religion is a force for good in the world?

How about 7 billion people and growing, but no birth control of any kind allowed?
This is more than just a useful interpretation of a bible passage intended to grow Christian numbers. It is immoral in the extreme to place the entire world at risk of overpopulation by refusing to allow birth control. All for the reason of increasing Christian followers.

Really? You're not convinced religion does more harm than good?

How about this: the two most popular religions the world has ever known have both killed countless people for leaving their religion.
How does that fall into the 'force for good' category?
How about the crimes that continue today? Murder, genital mutilation, torture, pedophilia, slavery, and the warping of millions of young minds to believe that questioning is a bad thing?
How is brainwashing small children into denial of reason a force for good?

Religion has done nothing good in its entire existence that could not have been done without religion.


Love and curiosity.
Empathy and inventiveness.
These things are good.

Religion turns people away from their families, away from their humanity, and purposely stifles their creativity and curiosity.

Humans have made progress.
Gods have made none.
Humans are good.
Religions warp human goodness to do bad things.

The force for good in the world is humanity, individually and collectively.
Humanity has always been the force for good, long before the Abrahamic religions were invented.

Love, curiosity, empathy, and inventiveness are easier without religion.

How hard is it to be good without religion?
It's easy... just be good!

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