Thursday, July 23, 2015

The religious Catch 22

Religion says, "The only cure for religious sin is more religion."

That's like saying, "My cut hurts... I'd better put some salt on it!"

Religious sin is a Catch 22.

To cure sin, we need religion, which gives us sin, which needs religion, which gives us...

Many parts of the bible have been proven to have never occurred. Noah's flood, the Jewish exodus from Egypt, etc.
Why would anyone believe any prt of a book supposedly written by a divine source, which contains so many errors and contradictions of itself?
No, the bible is obviously man made and sin is an invention to control populations.

Sin is the root of the problem. It is a man made affliction and the only cure is following the rules of religion.
Sin and its cure are a rather cunningly fashioned con. Even today, you can be accosted on the street by some well dressed young men who will tell you that Jesus died for your sins and if you do not repent, you will go to hell.
Sin is the backbone of the Christian church. Without sin, the whole religion crumbles.
God, Jesus, Noah's flood, The exodus... there is no evidence for any of those. Why would anyone believe in sin?

Aside from my question, "If Jesus died for my sins, why do I have to pay again?" and the fact that he only had to die for three days... I think it is interesting to note that Christianity is still pushing the whole sin thing on us and claiming they are the only cure.
Because that's the Catch 22. You were taught sin as a child. So when you screw up, there's only one place you can go to avoid Hell; religion, which taught you about sin and Hell.

Religions only cure religiously caused ills.
Religion does not advance science... in fact it has held back science significantly.
Religion does not have medicinal properties, in spite of the con men faith healers on TV.
For instance, If you fall and skin your knee, there's no help from religion. It's gonna sting like a bastard until it stops, then your body will heal itself.
Now, you can thank God or Jesus or the milkman for making the pain stop and healing your body, but it healed just as fast as the atheist's kid's skinned knee healed.
Religion was no help.

Religion only cures religious sin.
There's only one way out of the religious Catch 22. Reject religion.
If there's no (man made) religion, there's no sin, so you don't need religion, which gave you sin...

What then? We'd have to be responsible for our own actions. We'd have to be moral without God. We'd have to be... atheists.
We'd have to put humanity first.

And that's what moral and responsible atheists have been doing for millenia.

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