Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Religion is built on hate.

We must speak this aloud.
The time for polite acceptance of religion's foray into politics and education because, "religion has good intentions," is long past.

Religion is built on hate.

It is built on the hate of anyone not a member of that particular sect of that particular religion.


You can keep your words of love for Jesus because they are not followed by people as the hate in the bible is followed.
How many people do you know that gave up all their possessions to feed the hungry?
How many do you know that are misogynists, that are bigots, intolerant, judgemental, hateful... all the things that Jesus supposedly said were wrong?


Religions are simply a means of control. There might be some few who believe and follow the path of Jesus, but they are so few and so overshadowed by the power hungry rulers of religion that they are invisible.


Here's a thought.
If you stopped trying to use the name of Jesus to acquire power and started trying to be enlightened like Jesus, you wouldn't be so full of hate.

But you don't get it, do you?
Do you know why you can't understand that love and peace is the only way mankind will prosper?

Religious hate.

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