Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Religious hate crimes

Are religious attacks hate crimes?
If someone is attacked because they are of a certain belief or non belief, then that is a textbook definition of a hate crime.

A French woman was attacked because she was wearing a bikini and some Muslim girls thought she was being immodest.
That's a hate crime because the Muslim girls attacked her for not being as modest as a Muslim girl should be.
The French woman was attacked for offending Muslim morality, which is based solely on the Quran.

To recap, A French woman, in France, was beaten by Muslim girls for wearing clothing the Quran states she may not wear.

A crime commited in the name of religion against someone who is not of that religion is a hate crime.

The authorities are giving it the usual, "We don't know if it was religiously motivated," nonsense.
Of course it was religiously motivated! Where do you think they got their ideas of immodesty?

The biggest problem with the Abrahamic religions is not what they believe as far as gods go, but that they assume their beliefs give them special status as the arbiters of worldwide morality.
As a self professed morally superior people, they often act in a most immoral fashion towards others.

Religious attacks are hate crimes.
Let's call them as such and let the sentencing reflect the crime.

Read the story here...

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