Monday, July 6, 2015

God wants you to be dumb

He punished Adam and Eve for eating of the tree of knowledge.
He turned Lot's wife into a pillar of salt for her curiosity.

And now his churches tell you that faith is greater than knowledge.

What better way to dumb down a population than to have God tell you that education is bad because it takes away from faith?

The cure for religion is education.

That's why there are serious attempts to put creationism in public schools; to remove the threat of an educated population learning that religion is the cause and ritualised continuation of your fear wrapped up with a bow.

Prayer is a self delusional activity.
Chants and songs are mnemonic devices to push aside reason.

Replacing knowledge with faith is the denial of evidence.
It is the assertation that you can pick up a turd by the clean end, when a cursory glance will tell you that from one end to the other it's pure shit.

The devious part is that there's no need to pick up the turd. You can smell the stink of it from a distance.
And yet the church will tell you that if you ignore the evidence and have faith, that the turd can be picked up by the clean end.

What are you going to do with a turd?

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