Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Humanity before religion

Atheists are called immoral by Christians and Muslims.

Morals are older than religion. Morality is a prehistoric, tribal, survival trait. What was good for the tribe was moral.
Take care of the women and children - moral.
Make sure the weakest are not left behind - moral.
Tribal morality is how we survived as hunter gatherers, and even before then, as we moved from the trees to the open grasslands.

To claim that morality comes from the bible is a bold lie. In fact, the bible is an immoral book that claims Christianity is more important than the human tribe.
Jesus said, "For I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law'"
Jesus placed religion above families. It was his intention to use natural family enmities to divide the family for the purpose of proselytisation.
Modern cults still use this technique to ensnare teens who are angry at everything as they try to get through puberty.
ISIS/Daesh uses the promise of virgins and sex to entice pubescent males to it's army.

Religion is self proven to be anti-tribal and anti-humanity.
If you're against humanity, you cannot claim your morality is superior to atheists, who have
dragged the West out of the Christian dark ages with knowledge and invention and into this age of age of limitless information.

Morality is a human trait. The less religion we have, the more moral we become.

Christians were in power and we called it the Dark Ages.
If we ever see a time without religion, what will it be called?

The Age of Humanity.

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